SG Three Bridges Teacake 2*M
Date of Birth May 30, 2004
Teacake was awarded The Gold Earring production award from the American Lamancha Club in 2007 as well as Certificate
of Excellence 2007 Youth production testing doe honor roll from the American Dairy Goat Assoc.
TOP 10 Performance Breedleader number 8 with Butterfat 149 for 2007
2008 Elite Doe List
2010 Elite Doe List 2013 Elite Doe List
Sire- VH Herd's Loganberry
Dam- SG In The Bag Cupcake 1*M
Linear Appraisal
2010 EEV+A 84
2007 VEVV 87
2007 2-09 291 days, 3278lbs, fat 4.5% 149, protein 3.3% 107
2008 3-09 128 days 3-09- 1325 lbs, fat 4.1% 41, protein 3.2% 42
2009 Dry
2010 5-08 256 days 2244 lbs,fat 4.3% 96, protein 3.2% 72
2011 6-09 11 days 841 lbs, fat 4.2% 35 lbs, protein 3% 25 2012 7-08 124 days, 575 lbs, Fat 3.8% 22 lbs,
Protein 3.1% 18
Teacake is a wounderful doe, tall, long, and level. She earned her SG in 2007 as well as the Gold Award from
the American Lamancha Club. Tea Cake gave us quads this year, three being does. Due to a difficult pregnancy and delivery
Teacake was not shown this year and was dried early.
2010 After a year off Teacake kidded with 2 large strong buck kids. Mom is doing well and putting milk in the bucket.
DHIR will start soon. If you are looking for a buck with milk, dairyness, and strength take a look at her boys.