GCH +*B Little Orchard TF Pine Baron
Date of Birth March 8, 2007
Sire- *B Kastdemur's Twist of Fate
AL 1371384
GCH Little Orchard PL Pure Joy
9*M LA 2009 7-05 EEEE 92
Linear Appraisal
2012 VEE 91
2010 VEV 87
2009 VVV 87
Young Stock Linear Appraisal June 29,2007 EC
We purchased
Pine Baron from Little Orchard the spring of 2007. There is only one word to describe him and it is beautiful. His daughters
are all lovely, long, tall, and flat boned. The mammaries on his does are yight, high and well attached. Two of his daughters
were appraised as EC.
Show Record
1 time 2nd 3-5 year old bucks
1 time 4th 3-5 year old bucks
2 times Res. Champion
5 times 2nd 3 to 5 year old bucks
1 time 2nd aged bucks
4 times 1st aged bucks
3 times Sr, Grand Champion
2 times BOB
1 time Best In Show
+*B GCH Lucky Star's LX Aladdin (Champion Pending)
DOB 3-3-2010
Dam GCH Lucky Star's QM Prisemea 5*M
LA 91
Sire Lucky Star's AV Xavier
LA VEE 90 2010 3-06
Linear Appraisal 2015 VVE 87 Final Score2013 VVV 87
2012 VV+ 85
2011 +V+ 83
2010 Young Stock V+E+ overall V
Thank you Don and Judi Hoy of Lucky Star's for breeding and sending us this hansome buck to our program. We look foward
to his kids in the spring of 2011.
Show Record
1 time 1st Sr. Buck Kids
1 time 3 Sr. Buck Kids
1 time Champion Jr. Buck
4 times 3rd yearling buck
3 times 4th yearling buck
6 times 3rd 2 and under 3 bucks
1 time 4th 2 and under 3 bucks
3 times Sr. Lamancha Champion
2 times Sr. Resv Lamancha Champion
*B CH Three Bridges PC Rembrandt
DOB 2-21-2010
Sire Three Bridges PV Picasso
Dam SGCH Three Bridges MS
Confidential 1*M
Linear Appraisal 2013 EEE 91
2012 EVV 89
Rembandt is a tall long powerfull buck. We held him 2 years to use his 1/2 brother but are glad we kept him. He only
has 2 daughter but they are both lovely. We are looking foward to his 2013 kids.
Show Record
4 times 1st 2 year and under 3
3 times 2nd 2 year and under 3
2 times Sr. Resv. Champion
South-Fork JS Conquest
DOB 04-04-2011
Sire Little Orchard C Justice
Dam GCH South-Fork CR Confetti
We are very happy to have Conquest here for breeding. He will bring so great things with him. He is packed with the best
of South-Fork and Little Orchard. He is a strong deep bodied buck.
Linear Appraisal2013 +VV- 85
Show Record
2013 1 time Sr. Lamancha Champion
2014 1 time Sr. Lamancha Champion
2 times Sr Resv Champion
This boy just keeps getting beter. His top line is to die for and is passing it on to his kids.
Three Bridges TS Da Vinci AI
DOB 4-6-2012
Show Record
4 times 3rd buck kids under 3 months
2 times Sr Resv Champion
Sire *B Shining-Light Tweed Jrytm
Dam Three Bridges SW She's So Fine
Da Vinci is our first AI baby and are very excited about him. A long level and very dairy buck. Will be fun to see what
his 2013 kids will look like. His sire's side brings One*Oak* Hill Mac Tumble Weed, One*Oak* Hill Mac Jarupa, twice Winterwood's
The Medicina Man, One*Oak* Hill Harlequin Tullia, and One*Oak*Hill Harlequin Juniper
Linear Appraisal2013 VVV 86
CH Three Bridges MD Fire N Ice Champion Pending
DOB 2/17/2013
Show Record
6 times Jr. Lamancha Champion
2 times 2nd place buck kid
3 Times Sr Lamancha Champion
2 times Sr Resv Lamancha Champion
Sire Three Bridges TS Da Vinci AI
Dam SG 12*M Three Bridges PV
Morning Haze L1484071
Linear AppraisalLA VVV Young Stock 2015 VVE 88
We were not planning on keeping a buck this year but could not let this one go. Very Dairy buck with his dam's
*B Three Bridges TC Plunder
DOB 1-30-2014
Show Wins
8 times Jr. Lamancha Champion
4 times Jr. Resv Lamancha Champion
Sire *B South-Fork JS Conquest
Dam SG Three Bridges Tea Cake
Here we go agin saying I am not going to keep a buck. When this boy was born how could I not keep him. He is
the last kid from SG Three Bridges Tea Time so he will continue on for her line.
8:00am: Breakfast 10:00am: Session 1 12:00am: Lunch 1:00pm: Session II
8:00am: Breakfast 10:00am: Session 1 12:00am: Lunch 1:00pm: Session II
Referance Bucks
+*B Ryan's Ridge LSR Taygan L1309472
Date of Birth Feb. 2, 2004
Lucky*Star's QM Radical
Ryan's Ridge QN Vega
Linear Appraisal
2006 VEE 87
2007 VEV 87
2008 V E E 88
Taygan has been a wonderful
buck adding height and width to our herd. He is a pleasure to handle. He is long in bone and very open with very correct feet
and legs. Taygan has 3 SG daughters, 2 Champion daughter, and of 2 of his milking daughters appraised 91,
and other 89, 87, and 86. His 2 yearing does were EC and 1 2008 kid EC. He has 2 times best Sr. get of sire.
*B Little Orcahrd C Watch Me
DOB 3-22-2010
South-Fork TCL Chancellor
GCH Little Orchard TM Pick Me
Linear Appraisal
2012 VV+ 85
2011 VEE 87
We were very happy to add this young buck to our program this year. He is long, tall, very dairy. His bloodlines include
some of the best Linear scores Kastdumr' Evian LA 94, paternal Great Grandam, paternal Grandam South Fork Charming Cate
LA 93 Grandam, paternal Great Grandam SouthFork Silver Cierra LA 91, Little Orchard P Phoebe Maternal Grandam 90, Little Orchard
PR Pure Charm Maternal Great Grandam LA 92
Show Record
1 time Grand Champion
1 time Resv. Grand Champion
3 times 2nd yearling buck
2 times 1st yearling buck
1 time 3rd yearling buck
3 times 1st 2 and under 3 bucks
3 times 2nd 2 years and under 3 bucks
1 time 3rd 2 and under 3 bucks
Three Bridges PV Picasso
DOB April 17,2009
Sire Lit'l Dutch VG Vision L1440392
Dam Little Orchard TF Petit Four L1416948
Linear Appraisal
2009 Young Stock V+V overall V
Three Bridges CP Van Gogh
Dob March 27,2009
Dam GCH Three Bridges MS Confidential
Sire *B Little Orchard TF Pine Baron
Linear Appraisal 2013
EEE 90
2011 +VV 85
2010 VE+ 85
2009 Young Stock VV+ overall V
Show Record
2 times 1st 1-2 year old bucks
1 time Reserve Grand Champion( Restriced Leg)
5 times 1st 2 year old buck
2 times 2nd year old buck
4 times 2nd 3 and under 4 year old bucks
3 times 1st 3 and under 4 yeat old bucks
1 time Sr. Grand Champion
This lovely buck kid was bone 3-27-09. He is deep red and white. Like his dam and sire is very dairy with
great feet and legs He is also very balanced and open. His pedigree includes SGCH Kasdemur"s Pepsie Twist, GCH Little Orchard
PL Pure Joy, SGCH Little Orchard PH Pure Charm, and GCH Three Bridges MS Confidential.
Thank You to Little Orchard for the use of Little Dutch VS Vision on three of our does.
Lit'l Dutch VG Vision L 1440392
DOB 3-15-2008
Dam Lit'l Dutch TR Vogue
Sire Lit'l Dutch TR Vegas
Three Bridges Lamancha Dairy Goats*
211 Old Tuckerton Rd, Chatsworth, NJ 08019